Ankle Sprains
/Ankle sprains are pesky injuries which you tend to ignore and hope they recover on their own - annoyingly, they don’t. The most common cause of an ankle sprain is a previous ankle sprain. Anatomically, your ATFL (ligament under and around your outside ankle bone) helps to keep the ankle stable through a variety of angles. Microscopic stretch fibres help tell your body where you are in space, this is what we call proprioception. When they have been injured, they don’t give your brain and body quick enough information about your ankle position and decrease your stability, increasing your risk for re-injury. The good news is you can rehab the sprained ligaments and surrounding tissues, improving your balance and stability and significantly preventing your risk for re-injury. If you have a new or old ankle injury which needs some attention, book in with Juliet, physiotherapist, she's seeing staff every Thursday afternoon in the Therapy Room.